16 December 2020

How to install Microsoft Access Runtime 2016 Silently

 I have recently needed to install Microsoft Access Runtime 2016 silently through SCCM.

Whilst you can install the software silently, it still shows up asking to accept the EULA, so subsequently SCCM will time out as it's waiting for user input.

In order to get around this, you can do the following:

  1. Extract files using AccessRuntimeXXXXX.exe /extract:ExtractedFiles.
  2. Open Notepad and copy the following in:
    <Configuration Product="AccessRT">
    <Display Level="None" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
    <Logging Type="standard" Path="C:\Windows\Temp\" Template="Microsoft_Access_2016_Runtime_Setup(*).log" />
    <COMPANYNAME Value="Company Name" />
    <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />
  3. Save this as config.xml
  4. When you create your application within SCCM, have the command line to run it as the following
    setup.exe /config /config/xml

14 December 2020

DISM to remove Win10 Appx apps from a .WIM file

Here's a great way to remove packages from a WIM file to ensure you don't have to build and capture another image within SCCM.  

This has come about due to a client having an image, and later requiring certain apps to be removed.

Create a new folder on your server called "Mounted_Image"

Mount your WIM file to that location with the following command:

Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath "E:\SourceFiles\CapturedWims\CAPTURE001.wim" -Index 1 -Path "c:\Mounted_image"

Now create a PS1 file with the following, which will allow you to remove the various appx packages:


foreach ($app in $apps) {	
	Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -path C:\Mounted_Image | where DisplayName -EQ $app | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage

That'll then go through and remove the various packages from the WIM file.

You can test after this by running the following command:

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path c:\Mounted_Image

Once you are done, make sure you save the WIM file and dismount with the following command:

Dismount-WindowsImage -Path c:\Mounted_Image -Save

06 November 2020

Task Sequence: Image Capture Wizard has failed with the error code (0x00004005)

 If you have this error when you try to capture a image with SCCM

Task Sequence Error:

Running: Image Capture Wizard

Description:  Task Sequence: Image Capture Wizard has failed with the error code (0x00004005).


To overcome this 3 SYSPREP time limitation, following are the walkaround:

1. Open REGEDIT and look for:


Set to value: 2


Set to value: 7


Set to value: 1  

Then, run the command:

msdtc -uninstall (wait a few seconds)

msdtc -install (wait a few seconds) 

Then, reboot the system and try to run SYSPREP again.

05 June 2020

Bypass WSUS to Install Server Features | 0x800F0954

I recently needed to install some Windows Server Features on a 2019 server, but received the following error when doing so: 0x800F0954

The server was trying to pull its updates from WSUS, which was obviously failing.  In order to get around this, you need to change the Registry:

Open Regedit and go to the following location:
I found that I needed to create the WindowsUpdate then the AU key as they didn't exist.

Create a new DWORD called UseWUServer

Reboot the server and then you should be able to install the relevant features.