31 January 2018

Publish a Shared Calendar | PowerShell | Office 365

I recently needed to publish a Shared Calendar (i.e. Shared Mailbox's Calendar) to the internet, so it could be embedded into a website.

Whilst I'm sure we all know how to publish our own calendars, publishing a calendar that's shared to you is a little bit more difficult.  It's not as simple as just going into OWA and then publishing from there, or using Outlook.  This needs to be done using PowerShell.

1. Sign into Office 365 | PowerShell

2. Enter the following:
Set-MailboxCalendarFolder <mailboxname>@domain.com:\calendar - PublishedEnabled $True

This will then publish the calendar you've just defined in bold to the internet.  Now you will need to get the URL to access this. 

3. Enter the following:
Get-MailboxCalendarFolder <mailboxname>@domain.com:\calendar | fl

You will then get the following output:

RunspaceId           : 0f40e5da-5712-4043-8bbc-fb11049c0307
Identity             : calroom1:\calendar
PublishEnabled       : True
PublishDateRangeFrom : ThreeMonths
PublishDateRangeTo   : ThreeMonths
DetailLevel          : AvailabilityOnly
SearchableUrlEnabled : False
PublishedCalendarUrl : http://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/6eba91c3eb20499fabc3d831f38b961b@contoso.com

PublishedICalUrl : http://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/6eba91c3eb20499fabc3d831f38b961b@contoso.com

IsValid              : True
ObjectState          : Unchanged

The URL for accessing the calendar is highlighted in yellow above.

Also pay close attention to the three items above which are highlighted in blue.  You will most likely need to change these from ThreeMonths to OneYear, and also change the availability to reviewer if you'd like the public to actually see the contents of the calendar.


  1. There is a mistake. It should be "-PublishEnabled", not "- PublishedEnabled".

    Also, if you are not looking to share a different calendar than the main calendar for the account, as I was, use this:
    "Set-MailboxCalendarFolder "@domain.com:\calendar\" -PublishEnabled $True"
